Karma Wi Bangga is a professional company expert in event organizing and blue print of tourism plan.
They are seasoned professional with a track record that includes working in cooperation with :
Artistic and cultural centres of every kind including Kasongan pottery village; Pondok Pabelan Islamic Boarding School an Aga-Khan award winning school Batik designer and artisians; the Sultan’s Palace(Kraton) in both Yogyakarta and Solo; as well as major museums and art galleries throughout Central Java including Affandi, Ardiyanto, Cemeti, Ullen Sentalu, and Sangiran (Java Man) Museum.
Leading universities in Indonesia and throughout the world with a special interest in culture, tourism and development issues including: University of Surrey, UK; University of Bourneouth, UK; University of Waterloo, Canada; University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA; Gadjah Mada University, Airlangga University, Riau University, Cendrawasih University, and Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia.